Sandra Bosman
Sandra has been in education for 28 years. After completing her teaching degree, she studied part time to complete a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English and History. Sandra has worked in state and private schools of varying sizes, the largest being over 1200 students where she was Head of Department of Middle Primary. She has taught in Christian, church and state schools with a wide range of students from many different backgrounds and ethnicities; those from privileged high income homogeneous families where English was the first language to those from poor economic areas where English was a second or third language. Sandra has worked with street children, been on numerous missions involving outreach to children and teenagers. She has written and produced a number of plays and musicals and been the editor of the school year book. Sandra has been involved in adult education up-skilling teachers from disadvantaged backgrounds. She became an employee of KingsWay School in 2003 as Head of the Senor Primary Department. In 2006 Sandra moved to Jireh School as Head Teacher and was appointed foundation Principal of the stand alone Jireh Christian School in 2017. She continues to follow the call in her life to teach so that they may know Him.
From the Principal’s Desk
JCS is now in its fourth year of operation as a new school. It is made up of families from two Christian schools with a rich history of passion and vision for Christian education and more recently local families from the Avondale and surrounding areas. Much work and prayer has gone into melding a new school in a way which honours all. The two have truly become one and we can now confidently say we are a unified school with a strong sense of identity in keeping with our mission statement; “We are a Christian community were learners are nurtured to glorify God”. We are a vibrant school made up of a rich tapestry of cultures, reflecting the local community which we serve. Our students are happy, confident and engaged in their learning. Special character permeates all we do, as we endeavour to be a school where authentic Christianity is evident in all areas of school life, with particular emphasis on learning and relationships. Partnership with whānau is one of our cornerstones, exciting new initiatives are being established amongst our Māori, Pasifika and Chinese communities. A wide range of stimulating opportunities are offered to develop and inspire creativity, a love for learning, a sense of wonder and awe and new ways of engaging in learning spaces.
Play-based learning in innovative spaces with team teaching, is being explored. A new Makerspace where students, using a variety of technologies, can invent, create, innovate, be curious, take risks, collaborate and solve problems has opened. JCS is a learning space where everyone is encouraged to be all that they can be as humans, created in the image of God with intrinsic worth.
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